Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) At Braincode Centers

Neurofeedback is a training program specifically for your brain. It is not entirely unlike other types of training you may do – when you were learning calculus in school or when you are building muscle in the gym.
Neurofeedback, also known as EEG Biofeedback, relies on the most fundamental conditioning, feedback, to create new pathways, new brainwave activity, and increased flexibility within the brain itself. Let’s talk more about the process of neurofeedback and why it has become such a popular treatment option in the health and wellness space.

How it WOrks

The Process Of Neurofeedback

Understanding Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is the process of measuring the brain’s electrical activity in real time and using a positive reward system to train your brain to respond more appropriately to various stimuli.

Creating a qEEG Brain Map

Your qEEG brain map informs the specific areas of your brain that can benefit from neurofeedback training. For example, the placement of the electrodes for real-time activity measurement of a patient struggling with anxiety is going to look quite different from a patient whose underlying cause for struggle is related to autism spectrum disorder.

Neurofeedback Training

Almost all neurofeedback relies on a type of game, movie, or music which you enjoy. We utilize the data collected from your qEEG brain map to determine which of our systems and various training types will best suit your needs and get you to where you want to be in the most efficient way possible.

What Is Neurofeedback?

Your brain controls everything you think, feel, and do. External stimuli, life experiences, genetics, and a wide variety of other factors can force your brain activity out of harmony, leading to imbalances that prevent you from leading your best life. Consider the things you go through in any given day, week, or year. It’s easy to see how the neurological pathways controlling your emotions, reactions, thoughts, and feelings may lose balance due to the ongoing stressors and stimulus we encounter on a regular basis.

After completing a qEEG brain map, your clinician is able to identify the relationship between specific stimuli and the corresponding brain activity. In the development of your treatment plan, you’ll work with our team of neurofeedback experts to determine what an efficient and healthy response to specific stimuli that act as stressors in your everyday life looks like for you.

Our Expertise

Our Commitment to Advanced Neurofeedback Training

At Braincode Centers, we are constantly enrolling in continuing education to ensure that we are able to offer our clients a top-of-the-line neurofeedback treatment experience across all of our Colorado and Texas facilities. Our clinicians are trained in a number of different systems and training methods, including:

Why Consider Neurofeedback

When it comes to achieving optimal brain health, there are many paths you can take, from traditional counseling or talk therapy to prescription medication prescribed by your physician and other avenues in between. The options can feel overwhelming, and making the right choice even more so. First and foremost, you have to do right by yourself. We believe neurofeedback to be one of the most effective ways to change how you react to various stimuli and, thus, change your life. Neurofeedback addresses your struggles at the source by rerouting your brain wave patterns to adopt new, instinctual behaviors. It can be effective on its own or in conjunction with physician and/or counselor recommendations for medication or therapy. Neurofeedback works to change the reaction and mitigate the impact negative reactions have on your everyday life, whereas medications often decrease the impact of the reaction to stimuli, and counseling provides new skills to cope with your reaction to stimuli.

qEEG brain mapping at Braincode Centers.

At Braincode Centers, we strive to help our clients achieve their goals by addressing problems at the source. qEEG brain mapping is the first step in identifying the physical complications that may be holding you back. We use the data collected through this process to inform our treatment plans so they can be 100% customized to you. At Braincode Centers, we leverage your own capabilities to help you improve your life.

Whether you’re struggling with symptoms of disorders like anxietydepression, or ADHD or you simply want support and guidance to perform better and achieve your optimal self, qEEG brain mapping is the ideal place to start. Contact Braincode Centers today to learn more about how we can help you train your brain to lead your best life.

What People Are Saying

Client experience at Braincode Centers always comes first.

Neurofeedback At Braincode Centers

Neurofeedback is a highly revered method for achieving your optimal self. If you’re interested in learning more about the process and the results, we recommend checking out our Resources page. Additionally, you can contact us to set up a consultation and start the process of improving yourself and achieving your goals with the help of neurofeedback training.